Command Line Interface#


py-opredflag CLI

usage: oprf [-h] {update} ...



A script which automatically updates OPRF standard asset files from the OpRedFlag repository

oprf update [-h] [-d DIRECTORY] [-r REPOSITORY] [-b BRANCH] [-v VERSION_JSON]
            [-i INCLUDE] [-e EXCLUDE] [-c {major,minor,patch,none}] [-s]
Named Arguments#
-d, --directory

Local root directory

Default: “.”

-r, --repository

Location of OpRedFlag asset GitHub repository, in User/Repo format. Default: “NikolaiVChr/OpRedFlag”

Default: “NikolaiVChr/OpRedFlag”

-b, --branch

The branch of the OpRedFlag repository to use. Default: “master”

Default: “master”

-v, --version-json

Location of local versions.json file. Default: “oprf-versions.json”

Default: “oprf-versions.json”

-i, --include

Files to update, separated by commas. Default: “*”

Default: “*”

-e, --exclude

Files to skip, separated by commas. Default: “”

Default: “”

-c, --compatibility

Possible choices: major, minor, patch, none

Compatibility level, will only allow updates of this level or lower. Default “minor”

Default: minor

-s, --strict

Fail if local file versions are newer than remote

Default: False